Inspiration Post, w1

I ought to get back into this schedule of posting five things that inspire me every week. But it’s a little hard for me. When I’m truly inspired, I get up and I act on that inspiration. Which tends not to leave a lot of time for five things a week. So, my plan is restructure this for the new year. The first link will always be the one that inspired me the most. The following four links will be things that are important to me.

This week’s inspiration:

  1. This Video by LuckyWabbitWebDesign has a video series that goes right along with this month’s Learn a Skill
  2. I’ve been listening to Adrian von Ziegler‘s album, The Wanderer, for almost four days. Even though heavy metal is my favorite, this music is so relaxing and it allows for me to expend my creativity! I use this particular album while I’m writing my story about a swamp village, complete with fairies and will-o-wisps! Although, fun fact, wisps aren’t the friendly type. They would have lead Merida into a swamp, to her death. But I love those wisps anyway!
  3. A quote from the lovely lady Hellen Keller
  4. I actually attempted to cook this recipe by Just A Taste. I will admit, if I had followed the instructions, they would have been perfect! But I didn’t and they were still amazing to eat. So I recommend the recipe
  5. And finally, I have been inspired by my lovely printer. It’s a inexpensive Pixma Printer/Scanner combo. It likes to remind me that sitting in my room, scanning things for 4 hours, is not normal. And it likes to remind me this by failing to work after hour 3. But I can coax it for another hour before it quits and I remember that I should get some dinner

Does my inspiration help anyone else?


Inspiration’s Top 5, Week 8

So this has been an off week for me, but here’s what inspired me:

  1. My little sister sent this to me, the circle of life
  2. And sure it’s from 2011, but this song by Crown the Empire is really striking a chord with me (warning, this is not like the folk music so far posted)
  3. and this is exciting it need all caps: DOLL CHATEAU JUST RELEASED A NEW DOLL SIZE AND THEY’RE SOOO COOL!!!!!!!
  4. Just a cute thing i stumbled upon from Zenhabits
  5. This person posted about bronze sculptures and how 3d printing effects this craft

Inspiration’s Top 5, Week 7

This week, like a lot of girls, my hair is boring me. It’s been this white gold color for over a year so I want to add color again. So I’m trying to figure out what to do! So this week, most my inspiration is for my vanity:

  1. I love these colors for my hair
  2. I really want to color like this, to keep that white
  3. Halloween is right around the corner, perfect time to make these
  4. I bought a new binder to keep all my creative writing in
  5. And this sums up the mystery of modern art, Tracey Emin sold her bed as artwork in 1998 and it went to auction for how much?

Inspiration’s Top 5, Week 6

What a week that it’s been! I have so many things I want to do but not enough skills to complete them. But here’s what inspired me this week:

  1. Nanowrimo is coming up quickly and I would love to have the chance to participate this year
  2. This was interesting to read since it’s an interview with an artist
  3. PrincessPrincess is super adorable and well illustrated
  4. A video on food samples
  5. And this cool gallery my little sister sent

Inspiration’s Top 5, Week 5

This week is super exciting! And let me show you why:

  1. My long awaited Atlanta Ball Jointed Doll Convention is this weekend
  2. My favorite band is rereleasing their debut album from 17 years ago
  3. My favorite song this week is a filkmusic song called The Horse Tamer’s Daughter by Leslie Fisher from 1983
  4. Dollmore released a new doll that’s a ballerina, I wish I could see one in person
  5. And check out these foldable animal sculptures

Inspiration’s Top 5, Week 4

What a week this has been for me, but here is this week’s inspiring links:

  1. I just found a new band, Vision Divine, and I love the music quality so far
  2. But this week, I’ve been listening mostly to Opera from  Tarja Turunen
  3. I also recently discovered Bloop Animation, and that has refreshed my desire to learn animation
  4. This is a photo set of my favorite OPERA singer Tarja and her daughter with her Horror Heavy Metal buddy Lordi
  5. And my little sister did a tumblr thing with this set of photos for this amazing mural 

Inspiration’s Top 5, Week 3

So this week’s inspiration is drawn to a different medium:

  1. The Writer’s Digest has this free download for writing a great first chapter
  2. How to Turn Your Blog into a Book , excerpt 
  3. The differences in the fiction genres, although, I wish I could get the full book
  4. The Creepiest Reading from the Orphan Tales I have ever heard, brought to you by Sj Tucker
    1. The Accompanying Song
  5. A 30 day Drawing challenge 

Inspiration’s Top 5, Week 2

So, I’ve decided to start posting these Inspiration post at the beginning of the week. It makes more sense like this in my opinion. I can create something based on what inspired me!

  1. In honor of the mouse that moved into my apartment, David Mitchell’s Soap Box
  2. Psyblog posted an article on the effects of daily hassles on your health
  3. I really enjoy this Zentangle Pattern
  4. S.J. Tucker did a beautiful reading of the Orphan Tales as well as create songs to pair with the readings
    1. This is the matching song for this reading
  5. And lastly, how to wipe a face-up off a doll head